
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Struggle is Real

It's no secret that I am overweight. It's also not a secret that I am not very fit (at the moment, I'm working on it.) What you might not know is that I have never had to work very hard for the body I had. When I was thin, I walked to school every day, my mom made dinner every night. Things naturally fell into place. I took one weight training class in high school and didn't really try. I didn't know the struggle that I do now. It's not that I know how to exercise and just don't, I never really learned. It was never important to me.

I have never been into sports or exercise, other than swimming, and I didn't do it competitively because my mom thought I wasn't competitive enough. She was probably right. But now, I am into it. I actually was a little sad on Monday that I didn't have boot camp class because of Labor Day. 

Last night we did, however. And it kicked my ass yet again. But this time I got worn out more easily, which is to say it will get worse before it gets better. My body did not want to do what I was trying to get it to do. I just concentrated on one spot on the horizon and told that part of my brain to shut up. And that I was going for it. 

That's my advice to you today, don't listen to that voice in your head. It doesn't even know what its talking about. 


  1. That voice in your head is your biggest obstacle. You can do this; keep it up.

  2. Keep on going! You can do it! Even though I've been exercising regularly for years there are still days where I'm just so tired that I get exhausted after 15 minutes but keep pushing on! I know you can do it!
